You’ve been posting, showing up, doing the work. But still your content doesn’t translate into leads. Don’t stop now. You’ve already done the hard work. Your LinkedIn presence might be steps away from taking off. With some small changes, your content that gets ignored could start attracting your dream clients. People with less experience than you have figured it out. Trust that you will too.

In 2024 I took my LinkedIn profile from 7k to 30k in one year, with nothing but consistent action and repeatable steps. Through this journey I’ve learned what turns passive scrollers into paying clients.

Skip the trial and error and build on what works. Here’s how.

Fix your LinkedIn today: three changes that turn followers into clients

Focus on your dream customer only

Most LinkedIn posts miss their target. You’re talking to everyone and reaching no one. Your posts need to single out your ideal customer. The specific person you want to reach. Get inside their head and make them feel seen.

Look through your past content. Is it clear who this post is for? Do you name your ideal client in the opening line, or speak about problems only they would understand? If not, you’re sending the wrong signals to LinkedIn’s algorithm and to potential clients.

Go so far as to put a name to the exact job titles, company sizes, or situations of your perfect client. Add this information to your next post’s introduction. Talk directly to one type of person, even if it means certain readers won’t identify with your content. You’re not on LinkedIn to attract everyone, so stop trying.

Tackle their specific pain points

Your dream clients open LinkedIn when they’re frustrated. Something’s not working. They’re looking for answers and inspiration. If your content doesn’t address these pain points directly, it gets scrolled past and forgotten.

Scroll your LinkedIn feed and count how many posts that are generating decent engagement actually help with a real problem. The bad ones just share vague tips, humble brags, or company announcements. Your posts need to focus on exact challenges your audience faces.

List the top three problems keeping your ideal clients up at night. Pick one, start with a strong hook, and share your best solution. No theory, just practical steps they can take today. Make your next post the one that stops them scrolling because it speaks to their exact situation. When someone feels understood, they click “connect.”

Add specific next steps

You’ve created a great post that addresses your dream client’s problems. They reach the end, feel inspired, then… nothing happens. You gave them no clear way to take the next step with you. That’s a missed opportunity.

Optimise your LinkedIn profile so it’s high converting. Then check your recent posts. Most likely you ended them with a generic question or no call to action at all. This leaves potential clients wondering what to do next. They might appreciate your content but never reach out.

End every post with a specific invitation. Tell them exactly what to do if they want more help. Maybe it’s booking a call, downloading a guide, or joining your newsletter. Make this step easy and relevant to the problem you just helped them understand. Turn interested readers into real conversations.

Turn your LinkedIn content into a lead generating machine

Your LinkedIn posts can become your best source of new business. Focus entirely on your dream customer rather than trying to please everyone. Directly address their specific challenges and frustrations to show you understand their world. Add clear next steps that turn readers into leads.

The changes that transform your LinkedIn aren’t complicated. You already know your audience and their pain points. You know how to help them. Now just put that knowledge into every post you share.

Read the full article here

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