Pushing yourself to breaking point trying to build something great? You’re not alone. Entrepreneurs in every field work late, skip meals, and ignore their friends. They live on coffee and adrenaline. But what if your business problems come from the opposite direction? What if you’re not overwhelmed but underwhelmed? Not overworked but under-challenged?
Rust-out is a workplace phenomenon characterized by chronic boredom and under-stimulation, often resulting in feelings of disengagement and lack of motivation. As an entrepreneur, it could signal you’re not living up to your full potential.
Maya Raichoora is one of the world’s leading experts on visualization and mental fitness. She coaches high-performers and works with global brands like Nike, Lego, and Barclays Bank, and her upcoming book Visualise, published with Penguin, outlines science-backed methods anyone can use to boost confidence and enhance performance.
Raichoora shared insights about rust-out in a recent LinkedIn post, explaining why it’s just as unhelpful as burnout but requires completely different solutions.
The hidden danger that’s killing your business motivation
You’ve heard endless talk about burnout. The person who’s overwhelmed, overworked, or under extreme stress. They’re exhausted, depleted, and desperately need time off. Everyone knows the signs. But rust-out remains under the radar, despite being equally damaging.
“Rust-out is the person who is under-challenged, unengaged, or bored,” Raichoora explains. “It usually occurs in a job or situation that lacks stimulation, growth opportunities, or purpose.” If you’re feeling disengaged, wasting your potential, or experiencing stagnation, you might be rusting out.
No one made waves in business without working hard to some degree, contrary to what the anti-hustle campaigners will tell you. Invariably, those working twice as hard will go twice as far, providing they are working on the right things. So staying engaged really matters.
How to spot and fix rust-out before it derails your success
You dread your schedule
When you check your calendar and nothing excites you, it’s a warning sign. High performers thrive on challenges and interesting projects. If your to-do list feels like a boring obligation rather than an opportunity to make an impact, you’re rusting out.
Fix it by adding one challenging task to each day. Something that pushes your limits and engages your brain fully. Delete anything that doesn’t serve your goals or bring you alive.
You’ve stopped learning
Remember when you powered through books, podcasts, and courses, on a mission to learn more? When you couldn’t wait to try new strategies? If that fire has dimmed and you’re coasting on existing knowledge, rust-out is setting in.
“Seeking new challenges” is essential, according to Raichoora. Find your next one right now. Sign up for that course. Join that mastermind. Connect with people smarter than you. Your business only grows when you do.
Your results have plateaued
Your revenue has stayed the same for months. Client numbers aren’t growing. Your social following is static. When progress stops, rust often follows. Top performers track their metrics and get concerned when growth flatlines.
Raichoora suggests “visualising possibilities of the future” to break through plateaus. Map out your next big goal, then work backwards to identify bold moves that will shatter your ceiling.
You’re surrounded by the same people
If you’re having the same conversations with the same people year after year, intellectual rust sets in. Fresh perspectives fuel growth, but comfort zones kill creativity. Meeting new people creates friction that sparks innovation.
Make it a point to connect with someone new each week. Attend events where you’ll be the least knowledgeable person in the room. Talk to people in different industries. Your next breakthrough might come from an unexpected connection.
You’ve lost your sense of purpose
The most dangerous form of rust-out happens when you forget why you started. When your business becomes just a way to pay bills rather than a mission that matters. Purpose fuels persistence when challenges arise.
“Realigning to values and purpose” is crucial, Raichoora notes. Reconnect with your ‘why’. Write it down. Share it with someone who will hold you accountable. Make decisions through this lens and watch your energy return.
Shake off the rust and reclaim your business momentum
Rust-out is a normal part of the business journey. “In fact it’s a good thing,” Raichoora says. “It pushes you to realign again and be intentional.” The key is recognizing it and taking action before stagnation becomes permanent.
Spot the signs early. Make bold moves. Push past comfort zones. Build a business that challenges and excites you every day. Your potential is too valuable to waste on autopilot.
Read the full article here