John Graham Harper, CEO, Lumaflex.

There’s a popular saying that “health is wealth,” and while we shouldn’t take this saying too literally, when you look at it from a business perspective, it actually makes perfect sense.

A study published in 2021 found that “76% of U.S. workers reported at least one symptom of a mental health condition,” and “84% of respondents said their workplace conditions had contributed to at least one mental health challenge.”

Each year, stress in the workplace costs U.S. businesses as much as $300 billion. To help tackle this huge issue, more organizations nationwide are investing in employee wellness.

Red light therapy (RLT) is emerging as one popular wellness approach in the workplace. As businesses continue to invest in the well-being of their employees, some are making handheld RLT devices available for employees. (Disclosure: My company specializes in these solutions, as do other companies.) Additionally, I’ve noticed wellness rooms, medical facilities and even red light therapy rooms themselves are now more accessible in offices across the nation.

Red Light Therapy Explained

Red light therapy is a noninvasive, alternative treatment that involves exposing the skin to low levels of red and near-infrared light. Once the light’s rays penetrate beneath the skin’s surface, mitochondria located within the cells absorb it, allowing them to produce more energy and multiply.

Our cells can contain hundreds or even thousands of mitochondria. Mitochondria essentially serve as batteries for our cells, providing them with the energy they need to do their job. RLT works by promoting the production of cell mitochondria, thereby boosting cellular energy, function and repair.

The Benefits Of Red Light Therapy

While we all experience stress in some form or another, many work environments are fast-paced and stress-inducing, which, of course, can take a toll on people’s mental health. RLT has the potential to improve employee wellness and help cut costs in the process.

For example, a recent study found that long wavelength light can stimulate ATP production and reduce blood glucose. Researchers note it “has the potential to impact diabetes control going forward,” which could be beneficial for employees with diabetes.

Many sleep disorders are linked with work. A lack of sleep is not only bad for the physical and mental health of employees, it can be harmful to the business in general. Employees suffering from a lack of sleep may be more likely to make mistakes, become sick, take time off and even injure themselves or others. This could prove very costly indeed.

RLT is thought to help stimulate the production of hormones responsible for sleep regulation and relaxation. And employees who regularly receive RLT treatments may be more alert: “Research published in 2019 detailed a 3-week study of 19 people in an office environment. The researchers found that using a combination of red and ambient white light in the afternoon improved circadian rhythm and increased alertness in the period after lunch, when many people have a dip in their energy level.”

The Shortcomings

The Cleveland Clinic notes, “Many researchers say more clinical trials are needed to confirm its effectiveness as a treatment.” And as beneficial as red light therapy appears to be, it isn’t without its drawbacks.

One potential drawback, of course, is cost. Red light therapy devices and treatments can vary in price, but they are still an additional business expense.

Another potential drawback is the fact that larger businesses may find it harder to accommodate their workforce. The more employees there are, the more RLT devices will be required. There will also need to be suitable treatment rooms and facilities to carry out the treatments.

Considerations For Business Leaders

For employers who are thinking of implementing RLT as part of their employee wellness programs, there are a lot of things to take into consideration first. For example, do you have the space required to provide these extra facilities? How large is your workforce, and how many RLT devices will you need to purchase? What will be the projected return on your investment? These are all questions you will need to consider beforehand.

If you are interested in setting up an RLT room, aim to create a quiet, relaxing environment. Set up a system for scheduling appointments so employees have dedicated time to use the devices. For businesses with limited space, you may want to consider handheld and wearable RLT devices for greater flexibility. These are often cost-effective and accessible for corporate wellness programs.

As we can see, for employee wellness, red light therapy provides a number of advantages to businesses and employees alike. By investing in red light therapy for employee wellness, businesses could maximize profits, cut expenses and save money in the process.

The information provided here is not intended as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should consult with a qualified healthcare provider for advice concerning your specific situation.

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