Start a business, they said. It’ll be fun. But what about when it’s not? What about when you’re kidding yourself it’s fun and running yourself into the ground? Business owners do this all the time. They plough on through their days, they ignore signs, and they cause their business more harm than good.

Don’t let that be you. Notice the signs before they take down your empire. Take a break before you need one.

Do you need a break from your business? Here are the signs you do

Running on cortisol

Powered by motivation, enthusiasm and sleep, you’re an awesome business owner. Fueled by adrenaline and cortisol, you’re a ticking time bomb. Cortisol-fueled business decisions lead to fire-fighting and burnout instead of strategic thinking and sustainable growth. There’s a difference between excitement and overstimulation. Sometimes it’s healthy when your mind races with ideas, other times it’s a sign you need some calm.

When you spot yourself getting frantic, take a step back. The signs? If you’re treating non-urgent things as urgent. Checking notifications like they’re going to disappear and rushing around each day. Snapping at people for no reason. Increasing how often you pick up your phone. All could signal a cortisol problem that won’t do you good long term.

Fantasising about other work

The grass is always greener on the other side. Except in business. When you trade in your operation for someone else’s thing, you get their problems too. New problems that you don’t yet know how to solve. But when you need a break from your business, what everyone else is doing seems insanely appealing.

People who are hyped about their business should inspire you to be hyped about yours, not to switch paths and start from scratch. If you’re fantasising about doing something different, you might have temporarily lost your business mojo. You might need a break. Even a few hours of reflecting can make you come back stronger with a new sense of purpose.


Happiness is a journey, not a destination. You’ve heard that before. But if you’re fixated on the end goal and forgoing the present it could be a sign that your daily routine isn’t the one. Unsustainable practices compound to create a strong case for needing a break.

Some parents do this about their kids. When they can walk… when they can talk… when they’re at school. Before they know it, their kid is eighteen and leaving home. Is that what they were wishing would happen sooner? Don’t make this mistake with your business. Don’t defer happiness until you’ve sold it, or until it’s a certain size, or until you make a certain hire. Ride the rollercoaster and enjoy every moment, or take time off until the game of entrepreneurship becomes more appealing.

Cutting corners

You used to dot every i and cross every t. Nothing would be shipped if it wasn’t up to scratch. Now, you’re cutting corners. You’ve started saying “that’ll be fine” and hoping people won’t notice, or not caring if they do. Cutting corners isn’t what got you here, excellence is. Dropping your standards will soon drop your revenue, and that’s not what you want.

Be honest with yourself. Where have you lost motivation to give 100%? What are you spending time on that’s no longer a joy? Find a way to care more, or delegate to someone that does. Don’t build yourself a house of cards that could be avoided by simply putting someone else in charge for a few days.

Neglecting clients

Your clients are the reason you have a business in the first place. If they’re irking you often, something is up. Not being happy to take their calls, answer their questions or do the work they’re paying you for are clear signals that a break is required. Don’t risk snapping at the people you set up to serve.

Clients having problems is a good thing. It’s free market research, for products you could build, processes you could improve and bugs you need to fix. By getting annoyed you miss the benefits that their vocalness can bring. Sign off for a day before you dig yourself into a hole. Reframe your work and remember why you do it.

Don’t burn out. Spot the signs you need to take a break before they bring you down.

If your work energy is low and your body battery isn’t topping up, you might be in need of a break. When you’re running on cortisol, fantasising about other businesses you could start, nexting, cutting corners and neglecting your clients, the projection isn’t good.

Take a break before you need one. Get a massage. Head to the hills. Book the trip you’ve been dying to take. Head back to work with a new sense of purpose and motivation. Become the happy, calm business owner that wants to be put in charge.

Read the full article here
