Nearly half of startups fail within 5 years. Many die from the same preventable mistakes that have killed companies for decades. In 2006, Y Combinator cofounder Paul Graham wrote a powerful essay outlining why startups fail. His observations came from watching hundreds of early-stage companies crash and burn.

Even though technology has changed dramatically since then, these fundamental pitfalls still destroy promising ventures today.

The core lesson is simple: make something users want. Nail this and your startup might survive despite other mistakes. Miss this target and you’ll fail regardless of what else you do right. Graham’s framework reveals the 18 ways founders sabotage their own success.

Why startups keep dying from the same mistakes (and how to not join them)

Going solo instead of building a team

Graham warns that starting a company alone signals you couldn’t convince anyone else to join your mission. “It probably means the founder couldn’t talk any of their friends into starting the company with them,” he wrote. The most successful startups have multiple founders who support each other through the inevitable low points.

Picking the wrong location

Silicon Valley dominates startup success, with Boston and Seattle far behind (at least at the time of writing). Graham noted that in popular startup locations, “Standards are higher; people are more sympathetic to what you’re doing; the kind of people you want to hire want to live there; supporting industries are there.” The right location gives founders massive advantages from day one.

Hiding in a tiny niche

Founders often pick obscure markets hoping to dodge competition. Graham explained that founders often “think of grand ideas but decide to pursue smaller ones because they seem safer.” But added, “If you make anything good, you’re going to have competitors, so you may as well face that.” Avoiding competition means avoiding good ideas.

Imitating without questioning

“Many of the applications we get are imitations of some existing company,” explained Graham, speaking of Y Combinator applicants. But he would rather you solved a problem that affected you personally. Graham said, “Apple happened because Steve Wozniak wanted a computer, Google because Larry and Sergey couldn’t find stuff online.” Your outlier success could be closer to home.

Refusing to adapt the plan

Some founders cling stubbornly to their original vision. “Most successful startups end up doing something different than they originally intended — often so different that it doesn’t even seem like the same company,” Graham wrote. Stay focused but flexible, pivoting when required.

Hiring weak developers

Non-technical founders struggle to identify programming talent. Graham observed that “business guys can’t tell which are the good programmers. They don’t even get a shot at the best ones.” Get a second opinion before you hire any developer, from someone that knows good code from bad.

Building on the wrong platform

Your technical foundation can doom you from day one. Graham cites PayPal’s near-death experience: “After they merged with (the previous version of), the new CEO wanted to switch to Windows,” even though at the time it lacked the functionality required for scaling. But instead of switching platforms, they switched CEOs, a move Graham described as dodging a bullet. Choose proven platforms.

Taking too long to launch

Most founders delay launching with endless excuses. “Nothing is truly finished till it’s released; you can see that from the rush of work that’s always involved in releasing anything, no matter how finished you thought it was,” Graham noted. Ship fast, improve later.

Launching before ready

While slow launching kills more startups, rushing can wreck your reputation. Find the right balance. Graham advised founders to “think about what they plan to do, identify a core that’s both useful on its own and something that can be incrementally expanded into the whole project.” You only get one chance to make a great first impression. Start small but solid.

Building without a specific user

You can’t create products people want without understanding them deeply. “If you’re trying to solve problems you don’t understand, you’re hosed,” Graham wrote bluntly. Know your users or expect failure.

Raising too little money

Every unfunded startup faces a deadline: when the cash runs out. Graham compared this to runway: “How much runway do you have left? It’s a good metaphor because it reminds you that when the money runs out you’re going to be airborne or dead.” Take more than you think you’ll need, because everything takes longer than expected.

Burning cash on an inflated team

The classic cash-burn mistake is overhiring, which Graham said “bites you twice: in addition to increasing your costs, it slows you down. His advice? “Don’t do it if you can avoid it, pay people with equity rather than salary, only hire people who will write code or get users.” Keep costs lean.

Raising too much money

Large funding rounds force rapid growth. Graham warned that “once you take several million dollars of my money, the clock is ticking.” Investor pressure can push bad decisions and make pivoting impossible. Not too much, not too little. The goldilocks of investment.

Mismanaging investors

Balance investor input without surrendering control. Graham has seen that, “Investors have made trouble even for the most successful companies,” which drains energy away from the product. Don’t ignore investors, but don’t let them take over your business. Trust your vision.

Sacrificing users for revenue

Build value before capturing it. Graham pointed to Google: “They made search work, then worried about how to make money from it.” A great product without revenue beats a weak product with perfect monetization.

Avoiding sales and marketing

Technical founders often hate selling. “Nearly all programmers would rather spend their time writing code and have someone else handle the messy business of extracting money from it,” Graham observed. But users won’t find you automatically. Everything is sales, so just make more.

Fighting between founders

About 20% of YC startups lose founders. “Most of the disputes I’ve seen between founders could have been avoided if they’d been more careful about who they started a company with,” Graham noted. Choose partners wisely.

Making a half-hearted attempt

Many startups remain perpetual side projects. Graham found that “statistically, if you want to avoid failure, it would seem like the most important thing is to quit your day job.” Splitting your attention usually means failure. Go all in.

How to avoid your startup failing from preventable mistakes

There are so many ways you can fail as a startup founder. But studying the common killers helps you spot danger early. Focus relentlessly on making something users want. Choose your location, platform and teammates wisely. Launch fast but not recklessly. Raise appropriate funding. Put users before revenue. Give it your full effort.

The path is challenging but clear. Your startup can survive if you stay aware of these pitfalls. There’s a fine line between success and failure, but you know you have what it takes.

Read the full article here
