Running a successful business involves managing a variety of priorities and people. This includes balancing not only mission-centric efforts, employees and clients but also the board of directors, who each have their own idea of how the organization should operate and be governed.
While boards can offer leaders insight and expertise that take operations to another level, the complex and sometimes competing interests of individual members can quickly shift a business away from its central mission and goals.
As experts, the members of Forbes Business Council have experience managing the many different aspects of a business. Below, 15 of them offer advice on how leaders can balance the competing interests of various stakeholders while maintaining a unified vision for the organization.
1. Remain Focused On The Mission
Stay laser-focused on the organization’s mission. At Winnie, our mission to help parents find high-quality childcare guides every decision. By anchoring discussions in shared goals, you can align diverse perspectives, foster collaboration and keep the board united around a common vision that drives long-term success. – Sara Mauskopf, Winnie
2. Act As A Bridge
A leader should act as a bridge, aligning diverse board perspectives with the organization’s core mission. The key is to unite people around shared goals. Provide clear direction, encourage team members to support discussions with facts and focus on measurable outcomes. Through transparent communication and effective collaboration, you can turn competing interests into a unified strategy. – Michael Podolsky,
3. Establish Trust
Trust is the basis for value-adding collaboration between the board of directors and the management team. Trust must be earned not only by respecting different opinions and points of view but also by clearly championing a shared path forward. – Michael Hilb, Board Foundation
4. Foster Open Communication And Transparency
A leader should focus on open communication and transparency. One tip is to facilitate regular discussions where all members can express their views while aligning on the organization’s core goals. By fostering a collaborative environment and reinforcing the company’s shared vision, the leader can maintain unity and make decisions that benefit the organization as a whole. – David Price, The Price Group
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5. Engage Board Members On An Individual Level
Proactively engage board members individually to understand their priorities, concerns and motivations before group meetings. This allows you to identify areas of alignment and potential conflict in advance. By leveraging this insight, you can frame discussions in ways that address individual interests while steering the group toward consensus, ensuring a unified vision is maintained. – Lola Eniolorunda, VG Platform Inc.
6. Understand Each Member’s Goals
To balance board interests, understand each member’s goals and align them with the company’s vision. Strategic owners may focus on growth, angels on early exits and VCs on IPOs, but these can align with careful planning. Open communication and showing how the strategy meets diverse needs help build consensus and maintain unity. – Hans Kristian Aas, Casi
7. Prioritize Alignment
Focus on alignment, not unanimity. A great leader communicates a clear vision and ties each board member’s priorities back to it, showing how individual interests serve the organization’s broader mission. Unity is built through shared purpose, not identical viewpoints. – Jeffrey Herzog, Avenue Z
8. Make Members Part Of The Process
Board members are there for a reason. If the board was constituted in a proper way, you will have members who bring distinct points of view and expertise to the table. They want to help, so make them part of the process by working with them to get access to their experience. – Rob Sanchez, Anteriad
9. Consider All Perspectives And Data
Create space for every voice but anchor decisions in data. This means encouraging open dialogue so board members feel heard but using objective metrics and evidence to guide decision making. This approach minimizes personal biases, builds consensus and keeps the organization’s direction grounded in clear, measurable priorities. – Bianca B. King, Seven5 Seven3 Marketing Group
10. Leverage Data-Driven Insights
To balance competing interests among board members, a leader should prioritize presenting data-driven insights that anchor discussions in objective analysis rather than subjective perspectives. For example, when addressing divergent priorities, use metrics and case studies to demonstrate how a unified approach benefits the organization’s long-term vision. – Romain Pison, NoviCarbon
11. Keep Conversations Client-Focused
Turn your board into a client-obsessed dream team. When debates pop up, redirect members with, “How does this help our ideal client?” It’s the ultimate tiebreaker. Assign each board member a role that flexes their strengths toward client wins. The result is less drama, more focus and a unified mission to blow your clients’ minds. – B.D. Dalton, Rockfine Group
12. Recognize Individual Perspectives
Acknowledge individual perspectives while prioritizing the collective goal. Open communication and collaborative decision making are essential. Focus on the organization’s success, and refute any perspectives that have been proven to deliver harmful or suboptimal results. – Ibrahim Jackson, Ubiquitous Preferred Services Inc.
13. Seek External Expertise
Although I promote constructive debate in the boardroom, I seek external expertise when a general consensus can’t be reached, bringing in outside advisors or consultants. This ensures decisions are based on informed, unbiased insights, which helps the team move forward with confidence. External input can offer fresh perspectives, especially when internal viewpoints become polarized. – Sabeer Nelliparamban, Tyler Petroleum Inc.
14. Leverage Priority Mapping
Leaders can use priority mapping to balance competing interests. Facilitate a session where board members rank goals by impact and alignment with the organization’s mission. This visual approach highlights common ground, sparks collaborative dialogue and shifts the focus from personal agendas to unified, strategic outcomes that drive the organization forward. – Sam Nelson, Downstreet Digital
15. Prioritize The Success Of The Company
While the interests of board members may sometimes differ, the primary focus for everyone is the success and prosperity of the company. I would emphasize that we all share a common goal and diverse perspectives can be harmonized to work in tandem if they ultimately contribute to the organization’s overall success. This approach transforms differences into a strategic advantage. – Jekaterina Beljankova, WALLACE s.r.o
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